An Announcement

From the Parish Office

Hello Everyone. 

We sent out an update on Parish activities in January. This is an update on what’s been happening. 


OLPH Property Sale to Highlands Borough- The final contract on this sale should be signed in the fall. We presented our plans for the new parking lot on the church property to the Land Use Board of Highlands. Our plans were approved and accepted. We are now preparing for demolition of the rectory building and the garage. 

Mother Theresa School Property- As we said in the update in January, this property is for sale. The Diocese Real Estate office is handling this process- there has been lots of interest, but no firm offers have been received. This sale could take years if it happens at all. Many have asked about the St. Agnes Thrift Shop. The Thrift Shop will remain open until there is a final contract of sale on the property. Having said that, we will be closing the Thrift Shop for a few weeks this summer as we have done in the past, for reorganization, and cleaning. To continue to offer this service to our community, we will need community volunteers to staff the shop. 

Convent-As many know, the pipes in the convent burst in the cold weather this winter and we experienced massive water damage to the building. We have been consulting with the diocesan insurance company and 

Serv-Pro, the company that did the initial clean up; to replace old wiring, old heating and electric and rebuild is not cost effective. The only option we have is to take the building down. The demolition will take place over the summer. 

Other Exciting Activities

Music Ministry and Mass Changes- We are excited to announce that our Organist at OLPH, Courtney Grogan, has agreed to assume responsibility for all music at both OLPH and St. Agnes. Courtney will play at all the Masses and direct the Music Ministry. Because of this change, we will modify the Mass Schedule slightly. Effective the weekend of June 30/July 1, the 5pm Saturday Mass at St. Agnes will now begin at 5:15pm. The 10:30am Sunday Mass will now begin at 10:45am. This will give Courtney ample time to travel between both churches. 

CCD Classes Moving- The CCD Classes will be moving to OLPH School in September. Keeping the Mother Theresa School open for CCD only was costing the parish over $50,000/year. This is an expense we can eliminate by moving CCD Classes. Kevin Connelly will be managing the move and registration for next session. Please contact him with any questions. 

Repairs and Other Activities- You will see us replacing the frames on the windows in both churches this summer. This is critical to preserve and protect our beautiful stained-glass windows. There is work taking place in the Sacristy at OLPH as well- sinks are being replaced, and shelving and painting will happen over the summer. Additionally, the lights in the parking lot at St. Agnes will be repaired/replaced as some point in the fall. 

Volunteerism-We are in serious need of volunteers for several projects- the CCD Move and the Thrift Shop Clean up are only two of many. Adult volunteers and any high school age students who are off this summer and looking for community service hours should contact the parish office. As always, we are very grateful for your help. 

Enjoy the summer! 

Corpus Christi Reflection

The Sacrament of the Holy Eucharist, the Body and Blood of Christ, is celebrated throughout the Church in several ways: first, on the altar through the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass; second, from that same altar in the Sacred Host brought by priests, deacons and lay extraordinary ministers to the sick in hospitals and to the homebound; third, again from that same altar, in prayer and adoration before the Tabernacle containing Sacred Hosts either reserved or exposed in the rite of Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament.

Through the words of the priest at Mass, recalling the Lord Jesus Christ’s own words at the Last Supper, unleaven bread and wine, the true fruit of the vine, is consecrated and transformed into the Body and Blood of Christ.  This sacred action is called “transubstantiaton,” meaning the visible elements or “species” of the Eucharist — the bread and the wine — literally become the Body and Blood of Christ.  How that actually happens is a mystery of the Catholic faith that has been believed and practiced since the very first Holy Thursday when Christ uttered the words “This is My Body, This is My Blood.”

Because the species remain sensible but the substance is transformed into Christ’s Body and Blood, Soul and Divinity, the mystery of the Holy Eucharist challenges the human mind in a way that only faith convinces us to believe.  The ancient hymn of St. Thomas Aquinas urges “what our senses fail to fathom, let us grasp through faith’s consent.”

Why does the Catholic Church believe this?  Because the Lord Jesus himself told us so.  There is no better, no more compelling, no more necessary reason. And Catholics believe it as the central mystery of our faith or, as the Second Vatican Council calls it, “the source and summit of the Christian life (Lumen Gentium, 11).”  The Catechism of the Catholic Church explains: “For in the Blessed Eucharist is contained the whole spiritual good of the Church, namely Christ himself ... (CCC, 1324).”

It is the same Body and Blood of Christ on the altar at Mass, in the Sacred Host brought to the sick and in the Tabernacle, hidden from view or exposed.  It is not a “sign” or “symbol” of Christ like a crucifix or statue we display — it is the Lord Jesus Christ, True God and True Man, fully present.

Christ’s “Real Presence,” therefore, is the reason why we genuflect on our right knee or bow profoundly toward the Tabernacle when entering a Catholic Church and why we kneel during the Consecration at Mass.  We also indicate Christ’s Real Presence in Church by a candle, usually in a red container, constantly lit and burning near the Tabernacle.

The Eucharist is Christ’s eternal gift of Himself to the Church — “I am with you always (Matthew 28:20)” — and the foundation of our Catholic faith and all that we do in the Church.

The Church has honored Christ’s Real Presence with a special, solemn feast after the Easter Season — Corpus Christi — for centuries.  It has also been the theme of countless hymns, devotions and theological writings since that time as well — even before that time.  But, in a very real sense, the Solemnity of the Body and Blood of Christ is celebrated at every Mass and during every Eucharistic commemoration.

In some Dioceses, following the Exposition and Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament, this concluding prayer of the “Divine Praises” is recited: “May the Heart of Jesus, in the Most Blessed Sacrament, be praised, adored and loved with grateful affection, at every moment, in all the Tabernacles of the world, even until the end of time. Amen.”

Jesus is risen Alleluia, Alleluia.

Dear Parish Family:

Jesus is risen Alleluia, Alleluia.

Today we celebrate the Feast of Divine Mercy. Jesus requested that a Feast of Divine Mercy be established in the Church on the Sunday after Easter. He has made a great promise to any soul that would turn to Him by going to Confession and then receiving Holy Communion on that feast-day. He said, “Whoever approaches the fountain of life on this day will be granted the complete forgiveness of sins and punishment”. The Church allows for one to go to Confession for up to about 20 days, before or after Divine Mercy Sunday. Saint Pope John Paul II wrote his last and final statement to express to the world the great importance and the urgency to understand and accept Our Lord’s incredible gift of Divine Mercy. He said to all the people of the world:

"As a gift to humanity, which sometimes seems bewildered and overwhelmed by the power of evil, selfishness, and fear, the Risen Lord offers His love that pardons, reconciles, and reopens hearts to love. It is love that converts hearts and gives peace.”

I want to again thank all those who made Holy Thursday, Good Friday, the Easter Vigil and Easter Sunday services so wonderful. Special thanks for the Knights of Columbus, the sacristans, the deacons, our wonderful choirs, our altar servers, ushers, eucharistic ministers, lectors, and other ministries for all the time and hard work you put into this Holiday. Special thanks to the ladies from OLPH and St. Agnes for the beautiful decoration in our churches.

Next week we will publish our financial statement from the last two fiscal years. You will see that our financial situation is not good. We are pursuing the sales of real estate, and we have worked to reduce expenses and find creative ways to keep our costs down. Unfortunately, our weekly collections continue to decline as you can see reported every week in the bulletin, and I ask for your help and consideration to increase your weekly contributions at the Masses as your means allow.

On a positive note, we are doing well with the Annual Catholic Appeal. As of today, we have achieved 37% of our goal:

  • Goal: $67,000.00
  • Raised to date: $25,403.00
  • % of Goal: 37% (111 Donors)
  • Cash Received: $21,726.20

Thank you to those who have already donated to the Appeal. I would respectfully ask all parishioners to contribute as much as you are able to this important fund raiser. The funds from the appeal this year will go towards training for seminarians, youth programs and religious education, and other programs that serve thousands throughout our diocese. If we achieve our goal, the appeal will return much needed dollars to our parish as well.

It is wonderful to see our parish continue to grow in closeness and unity. I feel it more every day. We have new families joining our parish on a weekly basis. Please consider offering your talents to our church by joining one of our volunteer organizations.

Sincerely Yours in Christ,

Rev. Fernando A. Lopez, Pastor

2018 Lenten Project

2018 Lenten Project Support Request

Dear Parish Family,

This year, in lieu of our customary performance of the Living Stations, your Saints by the Sea youth group would like to invite you to be a part of a Lenten project.

It is with the sacrifice and love of our Lord Jesus in mind, that we ask you to join us in a service project that not only gives back to the men and women that have given so much of themselves to us, but truly embodies our faith.

We are referring to Operation Gratitude.  A service project that many of you may be familiar with, and one which all of us can stand behind.  As we look to unite the bodies of our soldiers with the gratefulness in our souls, our hope is that you be compelled to take part.

We will be collecting donations in the back of the church today, through March 25th; then as a group prepare care packages for our soldiers.

Some items they are in need of are:

  • Travel-size toiletries
  • Single serve drink mix packets
  • Gum
  • Lip Balm

New Entertainment Items (DVDs, CDs, magazines, paperback books, crossword puzzles, etc.)

The full list of items needed can be found in the back of the church or at

Our prayers, words of encouragement and compassion can be our greatest gifts. 

We also invite you to write a letter expressing your gratitude and appreciation to a deployed service member and place it in the box.  They will be distributed with the care packages.

From one family to another, we thank you in advance for your physical, spiritual, and financial support of this project.

Saints by the Sea Youth Group

Lenten Journey Guidance

Bishop offers guidance for Lenten journey

With this week’s arrival of Ash Wednesday and the start of Lent, Bishop David M. O’Connell, C.M., recently issued his 2018 Lenten message, and instructions to his flock on a faithful observance of Lent. 

In his message, Bishop O’Connell shared a family memory of his mother’s love for cooking and baking, recalling that on special occasions she would often check the recipes even though she had long committed them to memory.  “She wanted to get it right for her family,” the Bishop wrote. 

The Bishop stressed the importance of “getting it right” as Lent arrives.  He writes:  “As we begin the Holy Season of Lent, our thoughts turn once again to this penitential time of grace the Church gives us every year for the forty days before Easter!  This is an important period in our Catholic life deserving some serious reflection and attention on our part.  We need to ‘get it right’ and the Church offers us some ‘recipes’ to help us on our Lenten journey.” 
The ingredients in that recipe, the Bishop explains, are prayer, almsgiving and fasting, which he expands to include “Pray more intensely,” “Go to Confession,” “Give something” and “Give something up.” 

You can read the full text of Bishop O’Connell’s message here or listen to a podcast of it here. 

In issuing his guidelines for Lent, Bishop O’Connell identifies the following: 
The days of FAST (only one full meal) and ABSTINENCE (no meat) are Ash Wednesday, Feb. 14, and Good Friday, March 30. No dispensations are granted on these solemn days except for reason of sickness or those provided in Canon Law below. Valentine’s Day falls on Ash Wednesday this year; since Ash Wednesday is one of only two solemn penitential days, no dispensations will be granted. All other Fridays of Lent are days of ABSTINENCE. 

You can review the Lenten guidelines here

Bishop O’Connell  will celebrate Mass for Ash Wednesday in St. Mary of the Assumption Cathedral in Trenton. Stay connected with for Ash Wednesday coverage beginning late in the day. 

Annual Catholic Appeal

From the Pastor Desk

This weekend is Pledge Sunday for the Annual Catholic Appeal throughout the Diocese of Trenton. Each year the Bishop seeks the support of all the members of the diocese to further the work of our ministries. Each of us has a vital part in all we do in Christ’s name, and each of us can share in all we do with a gift to the Annual Catholic Appeal. Our single Act of Faith propels the works of love that build up our Church. You make that happen with a generous gift to the ACA. This year Our Lady of Perpetual Help-Saint Agnes Parishes share of the goal is $72,000. As the people of the Diocese of Trenton, you have an opportunity to help others see Christ working in our midst. I ask you to take a moment and truly reflect on any help you can give. We truly need everyone to participate. This year we again are striving to reach our goal of $7 million. I am always grateful and moved by the level of support you give to our parish. I thank you for this support, and may God continue to bless you and your family.

Rev. Fernando Lopez, Pastor